Adventure AWaits! 2019 Calendar

Adventure Awaits (my very 1st calendar) was done in watercolor and ink and if I had more time I’d definitely choose to go this route rather than digital. There’s just something special about holding the actual painting compared seeing your illustration on an illuminated screen :)

But what a challenge this was! Especially figuring out which characters to use, and trying my best to complete 13 illustrations before the year was up. It was my 1st big challenge as a new illustrator and I couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out. I’ve learned so much drawingwise since I published this in 2018 that I’d love to try my hand at a traditional watercolor and ink calendar sooner than later.

“I bought this for my friend cause she fell in love with mine!!!!!! and I did not want to share my calendar with anyone :D” - Nazanin

“This is one very talented artist! The paintings are so detailed and beautiful.” - Sarah

Published: Nov 1st 2018